3 Reasons Why YOU Need A Voting Plan + 3 Things You Should Include in Yours (BONUS)

Power California
3 min readMay 25, 2018


We all have that one friend or family member who swears that they’re going to vote and never does. Or maybe you’re that friend or family member. No judgement.

We get it. We all have busy lives. There’s school, work, binge watching On My Block (if you don’t know, go to Netflix). ALL crucial to our everyday life. But what good is On My Block if the issues on your block continue to be ignored by people who we elect to do something about them. That’s why you need to create a voting plan.

It’s easy to say, “yeahhhh, I SHOULD vote” and just as easy not to follow through

We all have the best intentions but stuff happens. Practice. Social obligations. Or we just plain forget to vote. Mapping out a voting plan will help you swerve around the pitfalls of everyday life.

Voting is an action that takes practice. And practice makes perfect!

It’s well known (at least by some people) that people who vote once or multiple times are more likely to continue voting consistently throughout their lifetime. Creating a voting plan helps you exercise those electoral muscles and become a proficient, contributing citizen.

If you fail to plan then plan on failing. Soooo cheesy but true!

Think about it. You want to hang out with your friends. So, you plan to meet up for dinner or the movies. And you do it! Voting works the same way. You know an election is coming up. You make a plan to vote by mail and request a ballot. Or you plan to vote on election day and schedule the time to vote. Research shows people who make a plan to vote are way more likely to actually vote. Crazy, right?! .


We got you! Here are 3 things for good voting plan.

Check Your Status

Make sure you’re registered to vote. Nothing worse than showing up to vote and being told your name isn’t on the voter rolls. RUDE! Log on to the Secretary of State’s website to check: https://voterstatus.sos.ca.gov/. If you’re not registered, you can do so online by logging on to http://yvoteca.org/ (click the “Register To Vote” button).

Choose A Time

Polls in California open at 7 AM and close at 8 PM. Declare your intent by picking a specific time to vote. After school @ 4:30? Before work at 5:30 (companies are legally obligated to give you time to vote if you give prior notice). Calendar it in smartphone to give yourself a reminder.

Know Where You’re Going

Locate your polling place (or better yet know where you can vote early). If you’re unsure about your polling location, log onto: http://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/polling-place/



Power California
Power California

Written by Power California

Power California harnesses the energy of young voters of color and their families to create a state that is equitable, inclusive and just for everyone who calls

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